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Blue Sapphire

    The Sapphire gemstone, with its celestial hues, is revered as a stone of wisdom, royalty, and divine favour. Throughout history, it has been associated with sacred beliefs and traditions in almost every religion. Its heavenly blue shade has represented celestial hope and faith, offering protection, good fortune, and spiritual insight.… Read More

    Iolite Crystal

      Iolite, a gemstone of shifting shades of violet-blue, carries with it the essence of journey, intuition, exploration, and illumination. Like the crisp, dark winter sky, Iolite represents the spirit of dreams and provides vision to transport us physically and spiritually from one realm to another. Its profound ability to evoke… Read More

      Blue Topaz crystal

        One of the most coveted and precious types of Topaz is Blue Topaz. Through irradiation and heat treatment of colourless Topaz stones, a range of blue shades can be achieved, including the soft and serene sky blue, Swiss Blue, and London Blue. Gazing upon Blue Topaz will recall images of… Read More

        Blue Kyanite

          The striking Blue Kyanite crystal is renowned for its high vibration, making it a highly sought-after tool for meditation. This exceptional stone possesses the ability to bring all the chakras into alignment, which is the outstanding property shared by all Kyanite colours. Read More


            Sodalite is a remarkable stone known for its density and grounded nature. It is an exceptional tool for meditation and deep journeying. Sodalite allows one to gain insight into the self, evaluating one's motivations, strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and patterns of destiny with an honest approach. This stone helps to dispel… Read More


              According to Inuit legends, Labradorite is said to have fallen from the Aurora Borealis, a stone that possesses the ability to transform from an ordinary rock to an extraordinary gem, shimmering with a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. Labradorite is regarded as a Stone of… Read More